新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄不朽!广州追贼牺牲大学生被暴雪游戏收录


Immortal hero! Guangzhou Zhuizei sacrifice Students were included Blizzard

2016-07-07 11:24:35来源: 南方网

还记得5月23日广州大学城追截偷车嫌疑人而被撞牺牲的广工大学生吴宏宇吗?他在著名游戏公司“暴雪”推出的射击类游戏“守望先锋”收录,在漓江塔地图中化身为“英雄不朽”的宇航员。 吴宏宇爸爸表示,宏宇...

Remember May 23 in Guangzhou University City chase car theft suspects and hit sacrifice extensive work Students Wu Hongyu it? He was well-known game company "Blizzard" launched shooter "Watch pioneer" included, the embodiment of "immortal hero" astronauts in Lijiang River Tower map. Wu Hongyu father said Hongyu ...

标签: 游戏 暴雪