新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汉堡队成绩垫底遭调戏 麦当劳:菜单里不再有汉堡包

汉堡队成绩垫底遭调戏 麦当劳:菜单里不再有汉堡包

Hamburg scores bottom harassed, McDonald's hamburger menu: no

2015-04-20 19:09:29来源: 华体网

德国《世界报》日前刊发了一篇幽默讽刺文学,狠狠调侃了战绩不佳的汉堡队。原文如下: 对于汉堡队的糟糕战绩,连锁快餐巨头麦当劳都已经表示不能忍了:出于对自身形象的考虑,德国麦当劳决定,不再管自己店内中...

Germany "world news" recently published a humorous satire, ridicule poor record gave hamburg. Reads as follows: for the poor record of Hamburg, chain fast food giant McDonald's have been said to bear: out of their own image, the German McDonald's decided, no longer tube himself in the store...