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Harassing phone calls (FIG.)

2016-02-05 04:20:51来源: 搜狐

时事漫画 就因为在网购时给了卖家一个差评,南京市民汪女士此后就开始了一段噩梦:三天三夜时间里,她的手机一直被来自全国各地的陌生号码骚扰,她的手机无法用,别人也无法联系到她,导致她无法正常生活和工作。当汪女士向警方报警时,她粗略算了一下,三天三夜时间里她接到了近5000个恶意骚扰电话。...

Current affairs cartoons Because in online shopping gives the seller a bad review, nanjing residents Ms. Wang began after a nightmare: three days and three nights, her phone has been harassed by strangers from all parts of the country number, her cell phone can't use, others also couldn't be reached to her, cause she can't normal life and work. When ms wang alarm to the police, she roughly calculated that for three days and three nights she received nearly 5000 malicious harassing phone calls. ...