新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《烈日灼心》: 一场暧昧 的猫鼠游戏

《烈日灼心》: 一场暧昧 的猫鼠游戏

The sun burning heart ": a ambiguous game of cat and mouse

2015-06-26 02:09:03来源: 大河网


6 month 21 days later, in the 18th session of the Shanghai International Film Festival Closing ceremony, Duan Yihong, Deng Chao, Guo Tao by debtor competition films, the sun burning heart, together, win award winner," yellow egg "shadow emperor instantly become the industry outside the hot topic. This is why the three winner Gongxiangshengju? Dusty...

标签: 游戏