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情人节约惠中升丰田 贷爱回家喜气羊羊

Valentine's date Huizhong rise Toyota loan love home pleasant goat

2015-02-09 18:53:17来源: 爱卡汽车网

[XCAR 福州 资讯] 2月14日,情人节,一起来体验福州中升丰田为你和TA准备的浪漫大礼吧,福州中升丰田情人节专属定制,来店购威驰享受18个月超长免息,拥有0等待想贷就贷;2015款全新RA...

[XCAR Fuzhou information] in February 14th, Valentine's day, experience a Fuzhou Zhongsheng Toyota for you and TA ready romantic gift, Fuzhou Zhongsheng Toyota Valentine's exclusive custom, to the store to buy Vios enjoy 18 months long interest free, with 0 waiting to loan on loan; 2015 new RA...