新关注 > 信息聚合 > 傅家俊二女儿伦敦出生 微博报喜:再添小公主

傅家俊二女儿伦敦出生 微博报喜:再添小公主

Marco Fu second daughter London born microblogging annunciation: add little princess Netease

2015-07-22 17:23:54来源: 网易

7月22日,中国香港斯诺克名将傅家俊通过微博报喜,称自己的第二个女儿昨天出生,他现在已经是拥有两个女儿的爸爸。他在最新的微博里写道:“我们的第二位小公主昨天在英国伦敦顺利出生,重7.4磅, 一切安好...

7 April 22, China Hong Kong Snooker star Marco Fu through microblogging annunciation, said yesterday his second daughter was born. He is now the father of two daughters. He wrote in the latest micro blog: "our second little princess was born in London, England, 7.4 pounds, everything is well...