新关注 > 信息聚合 > 范冰冰弟弟庆16岁生日 又高又帅像姐姐

范冰冰弟弟庆16岁生日 又高又帅像姐姐

Fan bingbing brother celebrates the 16th birthday Tall and handsome like a sister

2016-06-19 04:55:50来源: 中国青年网

腾讯娱乐讯 近日,一组范冰冰弟弟庆祝16岁生日的现场照片曝光。范丞丞与爸爸妈妈在生日蛋糕前合影。

Tencent entertainment - Recently, a group of fan bingbing brother is 16 years old birthday photos on site. Fan Chengcheng photographed with mom and dad before the birthday cake.