新关注 > 信息聚合 > 零技能打造高颜值,罗勒香蒜烤三文鱼


Zero skills to create high-value color, basil pesto grilled salmon

2016-06-19 03:05:46来源: 搜狐

三文鱼营养丰富,刺身是我们最常见的吃法。我家喜欢厚实的三文鱼中段,经过西式调味,烤来吃有绝妙味道,搭配好新鲜蔬菜和牛油果酱营养均衡,是非常适合瘦身的无麸质菜品。 美国著名皮肤学家佩里肯教授最近推出...

Nutritious salmon, sashimi is the most common way of eating. My family like the middle of thick salmon, after Western-style seasoning, there are wonderful to eat roasted flavor, with a good guacamole and fresh vegetables nutritionally balanced weight-loss is very suitable for gluten-free dishes. American famous dermatologist Professor Pei Liken recently launched ...