新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华丽的清真寺建筑摄影


The magnificent mosque architectural photography

2015-12-14 16:17:35来源: 大河网

Mohammad Domiri是一位来自伊朗北部自学成才的摄影师,他的大部分作品都是拍摄中东地区壮观的清真寺建筑,这些美丽的建筑装饰着迷人的几何图案和马赛克、和五彩缤纷的色彩 ,仿佛翻飞的万花筒般炫...

Mohammad Domiri is a self-taught photographer from northern Iran, most of his works are shooting spectacular mosque in the Middle East, these beautiful buildings decorated with geometric patterns and charming mosaic, and a riot of colours colors, flying like a kaleidoscope of dazzle...