新关注 > 信息聚合 > 单价10万元豪宅成交超5年总和 北京豪宅市场竞争..

单价10万元豪宅成交超5年总和 北京豪宅市场竞争..

The price of 100 thousand yuan mansion sold over 5 years the sum of the Beijing property market competition..

2015-04-24 06:50:53来源: 新浪

《证券日报》记者从多位业内人士处获悉,北京三环房价已经进入10万元时代,而今年预计将有25个项目销售单价超过10万元 ■本报记者 王丽新 “今年豪宅市场的拼杀将非常激烈。”北京市房协秘书长陈...

"Securities Daily" the reporter was informed from a number of industry, Beijing Sanhuan prices have entered the era of 100 thousand yuan, and this year is expected to have 25 projects sales price more than 100 thousand yuan in the newspaper reporter Wang Lixin "this year, the property market will be very fierce fighting." Beijing Housing Association Secretary General chen...