新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《分歧者2》将上映 《赤焰战场》导演掌镜

《分歧者2》将上映 《赤焰战场》导演掌镜

The differences are 2 "will be released" red "director Zhang Jing

2015-06-01 09:16:26来源: 千龙

由狮门影业推出的最新科幻动作巨制《分歧者2:绝地反击》(下面简称《分歧者2》)今日曝光片场照,发布的片场照中无论是气势宏大的圆塔金属建筑还是格状无派系者群居地,都展示了狮门影业对该片搭建场地的大手笔。据悉,本片将于6月19日正式登陆全国影院。 热销小说改编 《赤焰战场》导演倾情掌镜 ...

by Lions Gate Films launched the latest science fiction action blockbuster" differences in 2: Jedi "(the following abbreviation the divergent (2") today exposed photo studio, studio release according to both solitary grandeur of the round tower construction metal or trellis nonsectarian, show the Lions Gate Films on the site to build the generous. It is reported that the film will be officially landed in the National Theater in June 19th. Selling novel "battlefield" DEDECATES director Zhang jing...