新关注 > 信息聚合 > 富逸又一商业综合体项目开建


Fu Yi and a commercial complex construction projects

2014-12-13 14:36:13来源: 中国新闻网

近日,位于中山长江北的富逸商业综合体项目开工启动仪式隆重举行。 据了解,富逸商业综合体项目位处主干道长江路与孙文路交会处,贯穿东西、南北的两条主干道,是连通火炬开发区与市中心的咽喉要道,交通四通...

recently, Zhongshan is located in the Yangtze River north of the rich Plaza commercial complex project kickoff ceremony was held. It is understood, Fu Yi commercial complex project is located in the Yangtze River Road, main road and Sun Wen Road intersection, through the two main road, north-south thing, is communicated with the Torch Development Zone with the center of the throat roads, traffic four...