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郑爽爸爸谈郑爽:小学时就有表演天赋 爱模仿宋丹丹

Zheng Shuang Shuang Zheng father talk: elementary school have acting talent to imitate Song Dandan

2016-01-25 22:01:48来源: 国际在线

先慈后孝 在家里我就是一老好人 湖南卫视开年综艺节目《旋风孝子》上周六首播,沈阳籍人气花旦郑爽和高颜值老爸郑成华惊艳亮相。在爸爸面前郑爽一秒变“话唠”,“爽爸”则耐心地听着,慈父形象立现。首期节目播完后,被网友评价“帅到可以出道”的郑成华瞬间爆红。昨日,沈阳晚报、沈阳网记者独家电话专...

I am a nice guy first Cihou Xiao opened in Hunan TV variety show "Tornado dutiful son" premiered on Saturday at home, Shenyang Popular actress Zheng Shuang Ji Yan and high value Dad Zheng Chenghua stunning debut. Zheng Shuang one second in front of my father change "chatter", "cool dad" is listened patiently, fatherly image is established. The first phase of the program after the broadcast, to be evaluated "handsome enough to debut" of Zheng Chenghua instantaneous explosion of red friends. Yesterday, the Shenyang Evening News, Shenyang Network reporter an exclusive phone designed ...