新关注 > 信息聚合 > 射箭世锦赛中国男女队闯入八强 获满额奥运席位

射箭世锦赛中国男女队闯入八强 获满额奥运席位

Archery World Championships in China men and women team into the quarter finals won quota Olympic seats

2015-07-29 12:01:24来源: 华体网

新华社北京7月29日体育专电中国射箭男女队在丹麦哥本哈根举行的2015射箭世锦赛团体赛中双双闯入八强,从而各自拿到2016年里约奥运会的三个满额席位。 按照世锦赛规则,预赛后排名前十六的队伍开始捉对厮杀,获得前八名的男女队伍将获得奥运会三个满额参赛席位,十六进八的单场比赛成为获得奥运...

Xinhua news agency, Beijing, July 29 Sports News Chinese archery team of men and women in Copenhagen, Denmark at the 2015 archery team World Championship both into the quarterfinals so as to respectively get the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio's three quota seats. By the rules of the world, after the preliminaries ranking the top 16 teams to catch on the athletic field, the top eight men's and women's team will receive the Olympic Games three quota entries seats, 16 single game become Olympic...