新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奥奇传说8月12日预告 巨神夜煞与空影喵超神

奥奇传说8月12日预告 巨神夜煞与空影喵超神

The strange tales on 12 August forecast giant night god evil spirit with empty shadow meow god

2016-08-10 22:12:18来源: 4399

奥奇传说8月12日预告 巨神夜煞与空影喵超神,猪神显灵,土猪太郎超神啦!还有更多超神活动等着大家哦,快来一起看看吧! 首只龙系神暗巨人——巨神夜煞重磅登场! 超强平衡型巨人,占据纵向两个格子,可...

The strange tales on 12 August forecast with empty shadow meow super giant night god evil spirit god, pig manifestations of god, soil pig aso super god! There are more than god activities waiting for you oh, come on together and have a look! First dragon is god dark giants - huge night very heavy! Super balanced giants, occupy the longitudinal two grid, but...