新关注 > 信息聚合 > 骨质疏松性椎体骨折不愈合(Kummel病)的处理


Nonunion of osteoporotic vertebral fractures (Kummel disease) in the treatment

2015-04-09 13:12:35来源: 丁香园

骨质疏松性椎体骨折在老年人群中较为多见,和其他骨折类似,其也存在骨折不愈合的概率。这类骨折不愈合通常被临床医生所忽视。苏州大学附属第一医院的杨惠林教授等人近期在Spine 杂志的中国脊柱专刊上就骨质...

osteoporotic vertebral fractures are more common in the elderly population, similar to other fracture, the fracture probability of nonunion are. This kind of fracture nonunion often overlooked by clinicians. Et al First Hospital Affiliated to Suzhou University professor Yang Huilin recently in Chinese spinal Spine Journal of bone...