新关注 > 信息聚合 > 库克比乔布斯干得好的五件事


2016-08-25 09:51:47来源: 新浪

新浪美股北京时间25日讯 库克(Tim Cook)五年前从创始人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)手中接过苹果首席执行官的职务时,应该说是小脚穿大鞋,也算是难为他了。不管库克情愿不情愿,人们每分钟都会拿...

Sina stocks GMT 25 hearing Cook (Tim Cook) from five years ago when founder Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs), who took over as CEO of Apple, it should be said to be wearing large shoes small, can be considered life difficult for him. Whether Cook would rather reluctantly, people will take a minute ...