新关注 > 信息聚合 > 红十字“青年善行”开营 50名青少年感知博爱奉献

红十字“青年善行”开营 50名青少年感知博爱奉献

The Red Cross youth work camp 50 adolescents perceived love and dedication

2016-07-27 01:33:53来源: 荆楚网

实习生杜婷媛摄 荆楚网消息(记者徐芳 实习生杜婷媛 通讯员涂文涛)“我宣誓,我志愿成为一名中国红十字志愿者,自觉遵守中国的法律法规,坚持红十字运动七项基本原则,尽己所能,不计报酬,为帮助他人和服...

Intern Du Tingyuan photo Jingchu net news (reporter Xu Fang Intern Du Tingyuan correspondent TU) "I swear, I volunteer to become a Chinese Red Cross volunteers, consciously abide by the Chinese laws and regulations, adhere to the seven fundamental principles of the Red Cross movement, as much as possible, regardless of pay, to help others kimono.