新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电源你不知道的事(3):前进中的台系电容


Power you don't know what (3): ahead of the Taiwan based capacitors

2015-07-09 03:03:48来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline 杂谈】小编的《电源你不知道的事》系列一经推出,引起了较大反响,以及关于国产与日系电容的讨论。日系的高质高价、国产的低质低价,已经成为了很多人固有的观念。但是我们也不能忽视我国另外...

[pconline tittle tattle] by the introduction of a small series of the power you don't know "series, causing the larger repercussions, and about the domestic and Japanese capacitors is discussed. Japan's high quality and high quality, low quality and low price, has become a lot of people's inherent concept. But we can't ignore the other...