新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英国退欧公投后 来自中国的地产投资者剧增

英国退欧公投后 来自中国的地产投资者剧增

Britain withdrew after the referendum Real estate investors from China

2016-07-25 20:28:19来源: 新浪

FX168财经报社(香港)讯 据报道,随着退欧公投后英镑的贬值,中国投资者意欲购买英国房产者增多。 中国最大国际地产门户网站居外称,英国退欧公投后的一个月中寻求英国地产的中国买家平均增加40%。...

FX168 of finance and economics newspaper (Hong Kong) According to the report, as the refund after the referendum sterling devaluation, Chinese investors to buy the British real estate is increased. Outside, according to China's largest international property portals in Britain withdrew a month after the referendum for the British real estate rose by an average of 40% of Chinese buyers. ...