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"花样姐姐"周日开播 李治廷当挑夫林志玲秀家居服

"In the mood for sister" Aarif Lee Porter Lin Chiling show opening Sunday when Home Furnishing clothing

2015-03-12 07:42:32来源: 人民网

(左起)宋茜(彩蛋嘉宾)、马天宇、徐帆、王琳、奚美娟、李治廷、林志玲启程穷游。 郑爽和井柏然在《相爱穿梭千年》中秀恩爱。图片来自剧照 两个85后“小鲜肉”和一帮平均年龄过半百的“姐姐们”,即将开启一趟土耳其穷游之旅。由李治廷、马天宇、奚美娟、徐帆、王琳、林志玲组成的旅行真人秀节目...

(left) and Victoria Song (eggs, Ma Tianyu, guest) Xu Fan, Wang Lin, Xi Meijuan, Aarif Lee, Lin Chiling set off on a shoestring. Zheng Shuang and Jing Bairan in the "love" in the shuttle Millennium show of affection. The picture from the stills two after 85 "small fresh" and help the average age of over 50, "sisters", is about to open a Turkey travel tour. Composed by Aarif Lee, Ma Tianyu, Xi Meijuan, Xu Fan, Wang Lin, Lin Chiling travel a reality show...