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梅西破3场球荒+平劳尔1纪录 全拜苏牙空门送大礼

Messi broke 3 field goal drought + flat Raul 1 records all thanks Suarez Buddhism gift Netease

2015-03-01 01:24:11来源: 网易

这是梅西出战西甲以来第75次客场破门,追平劳尔的西甲个人客场进球场次纪录。 网易体育3月1日报道: 上轮西甲,巴萨主场0-1爆冷负于马拉加,是役梅西表现极为低迷,本周中欧冠客场虽说2-1击败曼城...

the Messi played in La Liga since the 75 times broke away from home, tying Raul's La Liga personal away goal record performances. Netease sports March 1 report: on La Liga, Barcelona 1-0 upset defeat to Malaga, is service Messi is extremely low, this week in the Champions League away although 2-1 victory over Manchester City.