新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谢娜向张杰告白一辈子在一起 相恋细节曝光何炅是..

谢娜向张杰告白一辈子在一起 相恋细节曝光何炅是..

Sheenah to Zhang Jie confession of a lifetime together with details of the exposure He Jiong is..

2015-03-29 18:44:01来源: 河北新闻网


3 month 28 days, Zhang Jie drying out a photo of Sheenah as a white paper, said: "the base camp, with warm tears". Sheenah soulful confession: "I think people get married for two reasons, one reason is that want to have children, because the children get married, one reason is that the people who want to live together forever." Have been married...