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《今日影评》开播 用评论引领电影发展

The film today With comments lead film development

2016-08-08 00:08:14来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京8月7日电 (记者 马海燕)电影频道《今日影评》今日举行开播发布会暨影评文化互动沙龙。节目主打用评论引领中国电影发展,吸引了多位知名电影评论人的参与。 该栏目将于8月8日起,每周一至周...

Beijing, Beijing August 7 (reporter Ma Haiyan) movie channel "critics today" today's premiere conference salon and reviews the cultural interaction. Show main use comments led the development of Chinese film, attracted a number of famous movie reviews are involved. The program will be held on August 8, a week to week...

标签: 电影