新关注 > 信息聚合 > 炉石传说官方回复:暂时没有合作模式


Furnace stone legend official reply: temporarily without the cooperation mode of

2015-03-05 15:24:56来源: 4399

于3月4日,炉石传说官方twitter上发布了这样一条消息:“It's dangerous to go alone!”(独自冒险可是很危险的!),再结合之前的炉石访谈,不少媒体都纷纷猜测炉石传说将要...

in March 4th, the official twitter furnace stone legend published such a message: "It's dangerous to go alone!" (take a risk it's dangerous!) Then, combined with the previous furnace stone interviews, many media have speculated furnace stone legend will...

标签: 炉石传说