新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江西:安福公路分局修剪行道树筑牢安全防线


Jiangxi: upcoming road branch pruning trees build security defense

2016-07-16 09:12:04来源: 中国公路网

今年以来,雨水丰盈,树木长势旺盛,生长旺盛的树木不同程度地遮挡了部分公路标志牌,已影响过往司乘人员对公路标志牌的辨别,给车辆和行人的出行带来了安全隐患。 为确保公路标志牌无遮挡和醒目,预防和减少...

Since this year, rain heavy full figure, the trees are growing strong and vigorous growth of trees hides part of road signs in different degrees, has influence on passing the passenger to identify the road signs, to vehicles and pedestrians travel brings security hidden danger. In order to ensure the road signs and without sunscreen, striking, prevent and reduce...