新关注 > 信息聚合 > 除了守望还有它们 上半年值得买的游戏盘点

除了守望还有它们 上半年值得买的游戏盘点

In addition to watch and they are worth buying in the first half of the game inventory

2016-05-25 09:45:50来源: 17173

《守望先锋》已于昨日正式上线。想必已经有不少玩家入手了这款买断制游戏。那么除了暴雪出品的这款FPS游戏外,今年上半年还有哪些值得入手的佳作呢?来了解一下吧。 神秘海域4——电影化流程的大成之作 作为PS平台上最受瞩目的系列,神秘海域4还未发行就已经备受关注,而当游戏真正面世时,也确...

"Watch pioneer" has been formally launched yesterday. I have a lot of game player of this game buyout. So in addition to Blizzard's FPS game, the first half of this year and what it is worth starting work? Come on, let's see. The mystery of the sea 4 - film process as the most popular PS platform for the series, the mystery of the 4 has not yet been issued a lot of attention, and when the game is really available, but also...

标签: 游戏