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超越主帅:拿1分是既定任务 球队目标是保级

Beyond the coach: Take 1 points is the team goal task is to avoid relegation

2016-03-19 20:31:32来源: 新浪

超越0-0卓尔 新浪体育讯 今天下午中甲联赛第二轮继续进行,大连超越在金州体育场迎来了主场首秀,对手是实力不俗的武汉卓尔。最终两队0-0握手言和,赛后两队主帅出席了新闻发布会,大连超越主帅柳忠长...

Beyond the 0-0 drow of sina sports dispatch this afternoon in a League second round to continue, beyond the Dalian stadium in Jinzhou ushered in the home debut, the opponent is the impressive strength of Wuhan Thatcher. The final two teams 0-0 handshake and, after the game two teams coach attended the news conference, Dalian beyond coach Liu Zhongchang...