新关注 > 信息聚合 > DeNA新作《萌萌哒冒险》剧情内容流出


Before DeNA new "Meng Meng Da adventure" plot content out of

2015-01-10 12:20:04来源: 4399

之前,DeNA对外宣布了旗下的手游新作《萌萌哒冒险》将会在今年1月份正式推向安卓与IOS两个平台。而随着发布日期的临近,这款游戏的世界剧情内容也逐渐浮出水面。 DeNA是一家世界领先的网络公司,旗...

, DeNA announced its new "the Mobile Games Meng Meng Da adventures" will be formally to Android and IOS two platform in January this year. As the release date approached, the plot of the game world content gradually surfaced. DeNA is a network world leading company, flag...