新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三部门激辩新医改:药价到底谁说了算


Third sector heated debate the new medical reform: drug prices in the end who count

2015-08-30 02:54:24来源: 新浪网

温鈊 两份事关药品价格的文件,再次将药价改革的话题推上风口浪尖。 这两个文件分别是被称为“7号文”的《国务院办公厅关于完善公立医院药品集中采购工作的指导意见》,以及针对“7号文”的细化配套文...

temperature IGS two related documents of drug prices, drug price reform topic pushed to the cusp again. These two documents are referred to as "7" of the "State Council on the improvement of public hospital drug procurement work of the guidance," as well as the "7" of the detailed supporting text...