新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭州大江东居民医保卡"失灵" 医保共轨调整出的插曲

杭州大江东居民医保卡"失灵" 医保共轨调整出的插曲

Hangzhou Jiangdong residents medical insurance card "failure" health care common rail adjust episode

2015-01-05 22:44:45来源: 浙江在线

【摘要】 今天上午,浙江在线民情巷接到萧山多位市民的求助,大多是关于医保卡就诊失灵的问题,原因是杭州区域调整,大江东地区的市民卡将和主城区一致。 浙江在线杭州1月5日讯(浙江在线见习记者/丁波 ...

[Abstract] this morning, Zhejiang online public sentiment Lane received Xiaoshan number of people for help, mostly about Medicare card treatment failure problems, the reason is Hangzhou regional adjustment, big Jiangdong area citizen cards and the main urban areas will be favorable. Zhejiang Online - Hangzhou January 5th (Zhejiang online trainee reporter / Ding Bo...