新关注 > 信息聚合 > 井柏然被问倪妮超腼腆 害羞大呼:放过我

井柏然被问倪妮超腼腆 害羞大呼:放过我

Bo Ran well be asked Ni Ni super shy shy shouted: let me

2016-03-29 08:23:28来源: 大众网

井柏然倪妮被曝已同居(资料图) 据香港媒体报道,井柏然23日在香港出席品牌活动。 当天,井柏然身穿皮衣帅气现身,传媒们现场追问他和倪妮的恋情,当记者恭喜他的时候,井柏然很有礼貌地说:“谢谢大家,...

Boran Jing Ni Ni has been traced to cohabitation (information), according to Hong Kong media reports, Bo Ran well in Hong Kong to attend the 23 brand activities. The same day, Bo Ran well dressed in leather handsome appearance, the media were questioning him live and love Ni Ni, when reporters to congratulate him, Jing Boran said politely: "Thank you, ...