新关注 > 信息聚合 > 得不到最想要 每个男人心里都有个前女友?

得不到最想要 每个男人心里都有个前女友?

Not want every man in the mind have a former girlfriend?

2016-03-13 07:12:01来源: 新浪

导语:有人说,前任女友永远是你的情敌。这句话无不道理。但是,为什么男人会怀念前女友?是因为他真的爱她很深?还是这是一种对你暗示不满? 为什么会忘不了前任情人 别在陪着我的时候想着她,别在躺在我...

Guide language: someone said, former girlfriend is your rival in love forever. This sentence is reasonable. But, why men would miss his former girlfriend? Because he really loved her deeply? Or is this a hint to you? Why can't forget the former lover Don't accompany me when thinking about her, don't lie in me...