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On Ranieri intends to lease Chelsea youngster ake

2015-07-19 04:53:11来源: 华体网

据英国媒体报道,刚刚接受莱斯特城的切尔西前任主帅拉涅利正在考虑租借蓝军小将阿克。20岁的荷兰小将阿克并没有进入切尔西的北美季前训练名单,本赛季可能会被租借至其他球队。 除了莱斯特城,阿斯顿维拉主帅舍伍德同样对阿克很感兴趣,德尔夫加盟曼城之后,维拉继续人手补强中场阵容。但本周坎比亚索正式...

according to British media reports, just accept Leicester City of the former Chelsea boss Claudio Ranieri is considering loan Blues youngster ake. 20 year old Dutch striker ake and did not enter the Chelsea North America's pre - season training list, this season may will be on loan to other teams. In addition to Leicester City, Aston Villa manager Sherwood also of ake very interested in Delft after joining Manchester City, Vera to hand fill strong midfield. But this week officially cambiasso...