新关注 > 信息聚合 > Pandora创始人是如何挺过互联网泡沫破裂时期,走..


Pandora founder is how to survive the collapse of the Internet bubble period, go..

2016-04-16 20:21:47来源: Tech2IPO

Pandora 是目前全世界最为流行的在线听歌网站,它成立的时间已经有些年头,它久远到在互联网泡沫破裂之前就已经存在了。那么,它的创始人是如何坚持到今天的呢? 创见干货: Pandora 是目前...

Pandora is the most popular online music sites all over the world, it was established that the time has been for some years it so long that existed before the Internet bubble burst. So, how does its founder stick to today? Pandora is the original dry cargo...