新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《翻译官》男主曝光 黄轩牵手杨幂秀法语

《翻译官》男主曝光 黄轩牵手杨幂秀法语

The translation officer "male main exposure through hand Yang Mixiu French

2015-05-14 13:40:19来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 新浪娱乐讯 电视剧《翻译官》自公布由杨幂[微博]主演、导演王迎执导,编剧洪靖惠编剧后,已未拍先热备受关注,而其迟迟未公布的男主人选也成为网友热议的焦点。上海剧芯文化、乐...

video loading. Please wait for a while... Sina entertainment news television drama" translator "since the announcement by Yang Mi [microblogging] starring and directed by director wangyingxiang, screenwriter Hong Jinghui screenwriter, has not taken the first hot concern, and the delay in releasing the male host selection has also become the focus of netizen heat to discuss. Shanghai opera, music and cultural core...