新关注 > 信息聚合 > 轻薄始于出色 戴尔XPS 13官网热销6999元

轻薄始于出色 戴尔XPS 13官网热销6999元

Good Dell XPS 13 thin in the official website selling 6999 yuan

2015-05-09 10:15:16来源: 中关村在线

戴尔XPS 13(XPS13D-9343-3508)搭载第五代酷睿i5处理器,主频2.2GHz,最高睿频2700MHz,内存容量4GB,高频率带来强动力,轻松搞定日常的各种使用需求,畅玩影音游戏、运行专业软件,都能给你出色流畅的使用体验。近日,该机在戴尔官方网站售价6999元。 图为:...

Dell XPS 13 (XPS13D-9343-3508) is equipped with fifth generation core i5 processor, clocked at 2.2GHz, core frequency up to 2700MHz, the memory capacity of 4GB, the high frequency has strong power, easy to get all kinds of daily needs, play video games, running professional software, can give your excellent and smooth user experience. Recently, the price of 6999 yuan in Dell official website. Map:...

标签: PS