新关注 > 信息聚合 > 记仇!瑞典夺冠挑衅手势辱老对手 这回脸真被打肿

记仇!瑞典夺冠挑衅手势辱老对手 这回脸真被打肿

Hold a grudge! Swedish title after winning provocative gesture insulted old rivals this face really was playing swollen Sina

2015-07-01 07:55:11来源: 新浪

瑞典队夺冠后羞辱法国队 新浪体育讯 北京时间7月1日凌晨,U21欧青赛决赛,瑞典在点球大战中以4-3的比分击败葡萄牙队首次捧杯。然而在赛后的颁奖仪式上,瑞典队全体队员及教练做了一个手搭凉棚表示“...

Sweden team humiliated French team of sina sports dispatch early morning Beijing time on July 1, U21 European Championship finals, Sweden in the penalty shootout with a score of 4-3 beat Portugal trophy for the first time. However, after the ceremony, the Swedish team all the players and the coach made a shoudaliangpeng said"...