新关注 > 信息聚合 > 信息工程大学学员"朋友圈"发牢骚被教导员发现


Information engineering university students "friends" whine from being discovered by the instructor

2016-04-15 09:10:48来源: 人民网

压题照片:“互联网+”助力学员们成长成才。冯玉玺供图 姜紫微合成 编者按 当下,汹涌澎湃的互联网浪潮正席卷军营各个角落,我们在享受互联网给日常生活带来“福利”的同时,也应当清醒地认识到网络已经成...

YaTi photo: "Internet +" help the students grow up. Feng Yuxi for figure Ginger, Chinese synthetic Editor's note at present, the surging wave of the Internet is making its way through the camp, we are enjoying the Internet brings to the everyday life of "welfare" at the same time, should also be clear understanding to the network has become...