新关注 > 信息聚合 > 讲真?Twitter CEO多西去年薪酬68506美元

讲真?Twitter CEO多西去年薪酬68506美元

Speak true? Twitter CEO dorsey pay $68506 last year

2016-04-16 16:28:10来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 北京时间4月16日早间消息,Twitter周五披露的信息显示,CEO杰克·多西(Jack Dorsey)的2015年总薪酬为68506美元。 Twitter于去年10月宣布,作为联合...

Dispatch of sina science and technology Beijing time on April 16th morning news, Twitter, according to the information revealed on Friday CEO Jack Dorsey, (Jack Dorsey) of total compensation of $68506 in 2015. Twitter announced in October last year, as the joint...