新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刀塔传奇大地之斧高伤害阵容推荐 大地之斧阵容攻..

刀塔传奇大地之斧高伤害阵容推荐 大地之斧阵容攻..

Turret legendary earth axe high damage lineup recommended earth axe lineup attack..

2015-06-29 12:25:31来源: TechWeb

刀塔传奇大地之斧最强输出阵容推荐,给大家推荐一套大地之斧输出阵容,还没有好的阵容的玩家不妨来参考一下,希望大家喜欢。 压制之斧:发动巨斧斩击大地,变小命中的单位敌人并让其无法被治疗,被变小的单位收...

turret legend earth axe output is the strongest lineup recommend, to recommend an earth axe output lineup, there is no good squad players may wish to refer to, I hope everyone likes. Suppression of the axe: launched ax chop hit Earth, smaller hit enemy units and let it cannot be treated is variable units of small income...