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和FBI杠上了 苹果聘前亚马逊信息安全副总裁

FBI and bars on the former vice president of Amazon, Apple hired security information

2016-03-20 19:41:19来源: 天极网

【天极网IT新闻频道】有报道称,苹果已经招募了亚马逊前信息安全副总裁George Stathakopoulos,并任命其为公司企业安全主管。而苹果这一行为正是其与FBI在法庭上剑拔弩张之前,据悉,苹...

[YORK IT News] reported that Apple has recruited George Stathakopoulos former Amazon vice president of information security, and appointed as a corporate security officer. Apple this behavior before it is at loggerheads with the FBI in court, it is learned, Ping ...

标签: 苹果