新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赵丽颖谢娜赵本山吴镇宇杨坤 成名后被扒黑历史明星

赵丽颖谢娜赵本山吴镇宇杨坤 成名后被扒黑历史明星

Zhao Liying Sheenah Zhao Benshan Wu Zhenyu Yang Kun became famous after being grilled black history star

2015-04-04 22:24:44来源: 新蓝网

核心提示:赵丽颖谢娜赵本山吴镇宇杨坤 成名后被扒黑历史明星 都说往事不堪回首,但是有些明星却并不介意过去的不堪经历,即便被网友扒皮也泰然处之,毕竟过去的已经过去了,今天已无法改变,只能去接受……...

core tip: Zhao Liying Sheenah Zhao Benshan Wu Zhenyu Yang Kun became famous after being grilled black history star said that the past cannot bear to think of the past, but some stars do not mind the past experiencing unbearable, even when the user Skinner also take it calmly, after all, the past is past, today has not change, only to accept...... ...