新关注 > 信息聚合 > P粉说 PPmoney用真诚征服了我

P粉说 PPmoney用真诚征服了我

P powder said PPmoney with a sincere conquest of me

2016-07-29 12:03:40来源: 中国网

“我很欣赏PPmoney的真诚和倾听,跟高管面对面交谈让我看到了平台的真诚与用心。”这是来自上海的投资人陆先生日前参加了PPmoney万惠投资者见面会后的真实感受。 陆先生,曾任职于某大型国企,...

I really appreciate the PPmoney's sincere and listening, with the executives face to face, I saw the face of the platform to see the sincerity and intentions." This is from Shanghai investors Mr. Lu before joining the PPmoney Maxwell investors meet after the true feelings. Mr. Lu, who has worked in a large state-owned enterprises,...