新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼Xperia C6渲染图曝光 无边框设计亮眼

索尼Xperia C6渲染图曝光 无边框设计亮眼

Sony Xperia C6 renderings exposure frame design rosy

2016-01-31 10:00:18来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】最近索尼已经发出了邀请函,确认将在世界移动通信大会期间举办发布会,Xperia C6有望亮相。尽管索尼尚未证实将发布这款新机,不过本月初的时候已经有多张谍照曝光。现在知名爆料者@Onleaks也发出了该机的渲染图。 索尼Xperia C6渲染图曝光 无边框设...

[Message] Yesky news channel recently Sony has sent out invitations, make sure the conference will be held during the Mobile World Congress, Xperia C6 is expected to debut. Although Sony has not confirmed the release of this new machine, but earlier this month, when a plurality of sheets have been spy photos. Now well-known whistleblowersOnleaks also issued a machine renderings. Sony Xperia C6 renderings exposure borderless set ...

标签: 索尼