新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美籍华人王嘉廉:将继续推动中国冰球希望工程发展


Chinese americans the Charles b. wang: will continue to promote the development of Chinese ice hockey project hope

2016-07-15 20:32:35来源: 中国新闻网

中新网齐齐哈尔7月15日电 (记者 魏来)“在未来,我们会继续推动中国冰球希望工程的发展。”15日,著名美籍华人王嘉廉在“2016中国·齐齐哈尔王嘉廉杯国际冰球邀请赛”开幕式前接受中新网记者采访时表...

Beijing, qiqihar July 15 (xinhua wei) "in the future, we will continue to promote the development of Chinese ice hockey project hope." 15, a famous chinese-american the Charles b. wang in the "2016 China · qiqihar the Charles b. wang cup international hockey tournament" prior to the opening ceremony news agency reporter interview table...