新关注 > 信息聚合 > 济南:护士大意病人挨空针 家属质疑是用过的针头

济南:护士大意病人挨空针 家属质疑是用过的针头

Ji'nan: the nurse patient family members questioned the effect to the empty needle is used needles

2015-04-05 16:52:37来源: 人民网

涉事医院(视频截图) 护士粗心大意,给病人打完针发现是空针。家人怀疑是用过的针头。(视频截图) 病人家属向记者诉说事情经过(视频你截图) 齐鲁网4月4日讯据山东广播电视台公共频道《民生直通车》报道,在山东省医学科学院附属医院,也就是山东省肿瘤医院东院区,记者见到了遇到怪事的济...

someone's Hospital (video screenshot) nurses to be negligent, patients after needle was found empty needle. Family is suspicious of used needles. (video screenshot) patient family member told reporters after things (video screenshot you) Qilu news network April 4th according to the Shandong public radio and television channel "livelihood through train" report, in the Affiliated Hospital of Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, is the Shandong Province Tumor Hospital East, the reporter saw the encounter strange economic...