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华为校招薪酬惊人:全看能力 上不封顶

Huawei school recruit pay amazing: depends on ability The uncapped

2016-09-27 12:47:16来源: TechWeb

昨晚,华为2017届应届生校招宣讲在清华大学举行。华为常务董事兼CFO孟晚舟发表主题演讲,希望能够聚拢牛人到华为。 华为校招薪酬惊人:全看能力 上不封顶 对于外界最关心的薪酬问题,孟晚舟称,以前,我们是按学历定薪。从今年起,华为将按价值定薪。充分考虑优秀学生的潜在贡献价值,特别是牛人...

Last night, huawei's class of 2017 held in tsinghua university fresh graduates school recruit to preach. Huawei executive director and CFO meng wanzhou keynote speech, hoping to cool people gathered to huawei. Huawei school recruit pay amazing: depends on ability The uncapped To the outside world the most concerned about the compensation problem, meng wanzhou, said before, we are according to the record of formal schooling wage. From this year, huawei will be determined according to the value. Fully considering the potential contribution value of the outstanding students, especially cattle people...