新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015我们辟过的谣:不节食、不运动减肥靠谱吗?


We have 2015 new song: no diet, no exercise reliable?

2016-01-04 16:50:10来源: 环球网

一篇流传甚广的网贴称,医师在乳癌切片中发现一种叫做paraben(防腐剂)的成分,沐浴露含有这种物质,长期使用有患癌风险。专家表示,paraben是常见防腐剂,在药品及食品中都可能添加。但它们与乳癌的发生是否有直接关系,在医学界未获证实。 中药减肥肚脐贴真能减肥吗? 谣言来了 ...

Article spread far and wide the net post said that physicians in breast biopsy and found a called the composition of paraben (preservative), shower gel containing such substances, long-term use of a cancer risk. Experts say, paraben is a common preservative, in pharmaceuticals and foods are likely to add. But they are directly related to the occurrence of breast cancer in the medical profession has not been confirmed. Traditional Chinese medicine to lose weight to lose weight? Rumor has come...