新关注 > 信息聚合 > 四川一大学校园五彩音符道路成别样风景线(图)


Sichuan scenery line of a colorful campus road notes into another (figure)

2016-10-14 13:05:49来源: 中国新闻网

画在道路上的音符 四川新闻网自贡10月13日讯(记者 徐昭磊 摄影报道)近日,四川理工学院营盘校区内一条道路在不知不觉间换上了“新装”,黑色的柏油路面被人画上了卡通造型的音符、树木、红心等图案。伴随着连日来的绵绵细雨,打着雨伞经过的学子和五颜六色的卡通图案构成了一道别样的风景线。 ...

Painted on the road of notes Sichuan news net zigong October 13 (reporter Xu Zhaolei Brake photojournalism) recently, sichuan institute of technology campus a road unknowingly changed into the "new clothes", black asphalt was painted in the cartoon modelling of notes, trees, such as design of hearts. With the days of the drizzle, carrying umbrellas with students and colorful cartoon constitute the unique scenery line. ...